e115 Kratom Extract Tablets: Extra Strength Relief + Energy
Super athlete skateboarders like Danny Way aren’t just born, they are made! Through hard work, persistence, and quality medicinal botanical super products powered by kratom and kratom extracts. Try Danny’s super product – E115 Hyper-Drive Kratom Extract Tablets. This concentrated super product beats down pain and hyper-drives natural energy levels.
What is Kratom? Kratom is an ancient SE Asian medicinal botanical (from the coffee family), utilized for centuries to manage health and wellness - particularly for pain support and energy boost.
Why Kratom Tablets? Crafted from premium concentrated full-spectrum alkaloid kratom extracts, each tablet contains 300mg of 100% pure high-quality kratom extract only. No fillers, binders, or additives. An amazing and convenient alternative to messy kratom powder and hard-to-consume kratom capsules.
Discover Your Ideal Dosage: Start with 1- 2 tablets. For those sensitive to kratom - begin with 1 or even ½ tablet or 150 - 300 milligrams. Adjust every 15 or 30 minutes until desired relief/effects are achieved.
Pro Tip: Kratom Extract Tablets contain a super concentrated amount of alkaloids compared to standard, extended-release kratom tablets (like E115 Particle Accelerator). Therefore, if your prior dose was 5-8 kratom tablets, with these extract tablets, you may drop down to 1-2 concentrated kratom tablets.
Don’t let pain or low energy be the reason you don’t take your next big leap. With Danny's E115 Hyper-Drive Kratom Extract Tablets, you can achieve precise pain relief and elevate your energy levels. You too can be super and reach for new horizons!